well my plans to escape came to a screeeeeching halt.
Since my trip has been delayed (due to illness) and I am still at home,
what better way to pass the time than surf blogs and meet new quilters.
What's your name?
the reason I named my blog Life @ RuffHaven does have a story behind it.
I named our small sanctuary RuffHaven and people have asked
"Why is your name RuffHaven? I mean, isn't that kinda cheesy?"
( yes, someone actually worded it that way ) But I am a big girl and it didn't hurt my feelings.Now the fact that dogs say "ruff" and my driveway is the "ruffest" in the county, had nothing to do with the naming of Ruff Haven.
Well, when I decided to open a Sanctuary for old dogs I first went to "Best Friends" The largest Animal Sanctuary in the world. Yes...the world. it is located over 33,000 acres in southwest Utah....near Kanab. You should go see it....even if only on the web. Anyway. They really know what they are doing when it comes to setting up a rescue so I took their
"How to start an Animal Sanctuary" Workshop
That was nine days of intense information. When we got to the subject of business names etc... It looked like ALL the good sanctuary names have been taken. So I set apon the task of trying to figure out a good name that would fit my sanctuary to a T.
BINGO ! we had a winner !
Now the Haven part was easy.
My little portion of the world is my Haven.
So there you have it:
Rescue and Sanctuary
gated community for canine seniors
(and dogs with special needs)
So when I started blogging I just used that name.
I was only going to write about my life with dogs and then I started getting
deeper and deeper into crafting or I should say ..... buried under deep piles of fabric,
paper, ink, paint and......stuff.
paper, ink, paint and......stuff.
So now I write about everything under the sun.
And it makes me smile just knowing that you are here to read it.
And it makes me smile just knowing that you are here to read it.