I love how our lives are woven together.

now where was I ?

Something happened on my way to building a social network.
Everything was rolling along quite nicely.
I think I was up to 700 or so Friends on FaceBook
I had around 300 Followers on Twitter.
a number I had to keep in check daily because of all the
"why on earth are you following me?" followers
While the numbers weren't all that important....they were there
and they made themselves known.
To someone like me who is a bit claustrophobic in crowds and social situations,
The numbers were bothering me.
there were too many
I might be one of the few who  really doesn't want a huge following.

Then....a blessing in disguise....

 my facebook and twitter accounts were hacked by a snotty 11 year old boy. And I say hacked loosely because, while visiting here with his mom one evening, he logged on to my sites, changed my passwords and started tweeting nasty stuff. Then he kept changing my password, from his home computer, which drove me absolutely nuts. Every time I went to check in I would have to reset my passwords.

Yes all my sites were set to remember me....bad idea....
but you never think one of your friends' kids is gonna mess with your accounts.

And besides ... I am not promoting my sanctuary online anymore.
 I have enough contacts through various rescues
I am not getting any younger here.....

and with my Gemini Birthday upon me....

..... I am making a few changes.

No more social networking...
 I just don't have the time....and it was making it too easy for my agoraphobic side to take over.
And I found out that, as in real life, I would steer clear of many conversations because I felt uncomfortable "talking" about stuff that anyone in the whole world could read. 
 Not for me....I like my social circles a bit smaller...thank you.

No more processed sweets ...
which I snacked on while tweeting.

I need to lose weight and I am not gonna do that while sitting at this computer.

More time with the dogs

More time in the garden

More time with real friends and family

More crafty fun...
because that's why I started blogging in the first place.
more time with the blog.

 I'm done now....
I needed that.

So happy to see that you and a few others have stuck in there during this year of online discovery.

And there is no way I could have said all of this in 140 characters or less.

Now where's my camera?
I just have to show you some photos of my garden.


The Crafty Elf said...

Wow, I would have let that young boy have an earful of my feelings that's for sure!!!! Good for you! I think everyone gets to a point in there life when they need to decide what's important to them and what makes them happy! You go girl!

flyingbeader said...

social networking is like a horrible addiction for me. I have to check my FB account at least once a day. I've stopped confirming friends unless I really truly know that person from somewhere in my past or at least have heard of them. I too need to spend my time with my dogs than sit here for hours and hours. Arwen sometimes will put her paws on my knees lean back her head and scold me for not paying her the attention she needs. And I realize that Fiona is almost 12! That is old for a Scottie. I should be loving on my old girl instead of seeing who bought what pair of shoes. Thanks for the awakening. I needed it too.

Angie said...

OMG ...I would want to kill the little **** ...what did his mother say or do??????...He will probably turn into a very nasty young man unless he is sat on now. Hope you feel better for your rant and rationalization of your cyber life.

JDConwell said...

Well I'd wondered what happened to you...

Enjoy the dogs. Enjoy the garden. :~)