I love how our lives are woven together.

WOYWW # 139

First. Let me thank ALL of you for your comments and emails
after my previous post. I love blogland and I am sorry I stayed
 away so long. I am sure you all understand .

It's hard to connect with the outside world, when you are drowning in your own.

So in an effort to get back into the swing of things I am going to
start participating in my favorite link up parties.

Today is Wednesday and that means WOYWW.

as I said yesterday,  I am on vacation and I did not
 bring crafty projects with me.
But I did  bring a few organizing projects.
I brought this:  
years and years of photos that never made it into scrapbooks.
I can't seem to be able to part with them ....so
this is on my table today 

 Although neatly organized in  boxes, they take up too much space
 so, through the scanner they go

 and they will be stored on this teeeeny tiny disk: 

technology is amazing. 
 yes, that is a US Quarter that the disk is sitting upon.
So I will be here for a few days working on this fun organizing
project while taking a trip though the past.
In the meantime......
Here's a closeup of a common item....
What is it?

after you leave your answer in a comment here
be sure to go to Julia's to see what
everyone else is sharing today.

 happy to be back in blogland !


Mary Dawn said...

i have a couple of those micro SD cards for my cellular phone, it's amazing, isn't it?

i think it's a roll of paper towels, maybe LOL

sunny said...

Happy to have you back! I was going to say the end of a roll of paper towels, too! Get all your 'work' done, because Tour Guide will be your duty soon!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Marianne,

Welcome back!! Your project is one that I need to do. I have photos all over the place. I'm not linking up this week because I didn't get a photo of my workdesk (kitchen table) this week. I will be back next week though. I have enjoyed WOYWW and look forward to it every week.

As for the mystery photo -- toilet paper?! The nice kind. ;-)

Take care of yourself.

Unknown said...

The worst thing about modern technology getting smaller and smaller is that it's so much easier to lose!
I think you've got some kitchen paper there?!
I thought I had finished my tour of desks for the week, but I popped back to check and found yours!


Elizabeth said...

Hi, just popping in to say how nice it is to see you back. Now that's a job I should do too - love the flowers in the photograph. Is the mystery the underside of a mushroom of some sort? Hope your weekend has been a good one. Elizabeth x #78

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

what a project you're working on! mystery item look like paper towel ..
michele #176