subtitle : Log Cabin Rescue
Project Adventure
before I begin today's post I want to let everyone know that I will be back to my old self and
blogging about all types of art, painting, cardmaking, zentangle, whatever.
I am currently focusing on sewing because I am on vacation and
I brought my sewing machine with me.
Now on with today's post.
I picked up 24 log cabin blocks at a yard sale.
They were bright, sunny and wrinkled
all for $1 !
One Dollar!
I knew I could do something quick and easy with them so
I snatched them up and smiled the whole way home.
All piecers and sewists and quilters know that sewing in general, is a series of problem solving.
Sewing without a plan or pattern requires more problem solving.
Easy right?
So after ironing and squaring up the blocks, which I found were
not only not square....they were not even the same size.
Problem # 1
If I trimmed them to be the same size it would mean some
of the blocks would lose some precious points.
Can't have that.
So this led to thinking and a trip to several Quilt shops in seach
of 24 batik fabrics that would mix, match and blend with the log cabin blocks.
24 half yards later......
and a 3" border added around the blocks...
Problem #1 ---- Solved !
(this is also where I realized this was not going to be a quick and easy bargain beach blanket )
Problem # 2
I could still tell the blocks were not the same size and this bothered me.
So I trimmed the four sides at an angle and turned the blocks into
12" square Wonky Blocks.
This made me very happy.
Problem #2 --- Solved !
I arranged the blocks on the bed and decided the finished quilt would be
too small for a beach blanket for two and a few dogs.
Problem # 3
Need to make it larger without a pattern and without spending a ton of money.
I already had leftovers from the half yard cuts.
So I cut 12" blocks.
I decided to make a disappearing 9 patch.
It's a pattern but you don't need a pattern.
You can wing it.
I made 6 of these:
nine patch block |
cut them like this:
no longer a nine patch block |
Turned the two opposite corners like this:
Problem #3 --- Solved !
at this point I had to move the blocks to the floor because it was huge.
not a big problem
I was enjoying the task of arranging the blocks.
I love the secondary pinwheel pattern that was showing up.
But I twisted , turned, rotated, rearranged those darn blocks for
I could not get them to fall into a balanced design where two blues would not touch
or where all the yellows would not be on one side.
Problem # 4
I need therapy.
I am too picky.
I am not able to settle for just okay.
So on DAY THREE of this "easy" "quick" project
I bring out the seam ripper.
and remove the offending fabric.
bad fabric...not playing well with others...lower right |
bad fabric ....around wonky log cabin |
bad fabric....upper left |
and replace it with yet another fabric that I had to go to the LQS to get.
yep....more $$$.
at this point the ladies in the shop, who know me as Bosley's Mom,
laugh at my delema.
I am now hating those blasted log cabin blocks and wish I had never seen them.
(but the new orange fabric was pretty and I purchased two yards of it so I have enough for another day)
Same fabric added:
this required many cups of tea.
then I ran out of clean cups....small problem.
I washed the cups and took a shower.
Problem #4 ----- Solved !
I finally came up with a pleasing layout and quickly stitched it all together.
In the proccess I had to eliminate 4 blocks because it would have made
the beach blanket too big and too heavy to carry to the beach.
Which leads to another problem
I have to come up with a quick and easy way to use these leftover blocks.
Maybe I should have a yard sale. a future post I'll show you how I turned the extra blocks into a beach bag.
Problem --- Solved !
Thanks for stopping by.
Please leave a comment and please let your followers know I"m back.
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