I love how our lives are woven together.

The owl and the turtle

Now where was I?
Yesterday I told you about the challenge at Patches. I promised to not leave you hanging with just the duck.

After making the duck, I had this piece of fabric left over.

There was certainly enough left over for another block. I love owls and since they are so popular again I thought an owl would be perfect. But the owl has to sit on a branch. Right?

Without boring you with all the details I'll cut right to the finshed owl...
...yes this means I have no "in progress" photos.

But I do have some close-up shots of the perfectly imperfect stitching.

Now after the owl I still had a workable piece.
I thought about another type of bird. Maybe a chicken or a swan.

But in my mind I saw a turtle shell.

So a turtle it is.

His eyes aren't quite right yet. Maybe he needs a hat.

By the time I was finished with the three blocks I had grown to like the ugly fabric and  I ended up purchasing a yard. Well now I need some help in trying to decide what animals I should make. 

Please leave a comment and let me know which animal  you would like to see next.  I like a challenge.
Challenge me. 

Life can be ruff, go create something fun!

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