I love how our lives are woven together.

I'd Rather Be....

I really tried to keep up with Art Every Day Month. 
But I was forced back into Life Every Day.
I'd rather be...
creating something...
a drawing,
a painting,
a quilt,
a pie...
a zentangle....
anything !

But instead I did this......

reorganized master bedroom closet
acupuncture appointment for Dutch
grooming appointment for Dutch
washed windows...all of them...inside and out
reorganized fabric stash
cleaned out pantry
bought a new van for the dogs
big fight with hubby
made up with hubby
planted more spring bulbs
blew the leaves out of the yard and into the woods
cleaned out all the bird feeders and filled them
fell off a ladder...but I didn't get hurt
restocked the squirrel feeders
and then.......
I LOST MY FAVORITE CAMERA !    aaarrrggghhhhhhhhhhh
not that I had time to take any pictures anyway....
So I'll share this photo of a sunset I did manage to download off my "other" camera.

I'll be able to play tomorrow



Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful photo! Bummer about your camera...
And yes, obviously life happened.
I'm glad I'm not the only one...

Heather Foust said...

Beautiful Photo! Hey it happens. Its ok. Next day will be better.

Leslie Hanna said...

You did all that in ONE DAY? You are a Goddess.

Marianne said...

No Leslie ! I fell off the AEDM trail on day 5. today was day 9. so I was buzy for 4 days.

Kristie @ Comfy Cozy said...

I love when the long task list is done and you can get to the fun list of things you want to do!

Glad you didn't get hurt :)

Jenny said...

I know what you mean about "life every day"! Have no fear! You are not alone :)
I'm so delighted the angel and ensemble arrived safely to you, I meant to reply sooner but it's that old..life every day thing again! :)
I'm so impressed with the amount of things you HAVE managed to achieve, I'm sure planting bulbs and washing windows counts as being creative..well so long as you enjoy doing it! :)

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Marianne, your words are just so beautiful and it flows as i read them. I am so so so sorry about your camera!! You were so busy and you have achieved so much!! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

linda said...

I totally understand how the schedule and everyday things can take up all the time... it's totally okay...you are accomplishing a lot nevertheless and that can be creative too :)

craftyvox said...

I agree with Linda - even though maybe you didn't 'create' anything the way you had in mind, you still have been creative. Planting bulbs, making photographs ( soooo sorry to hear you lost your camera! Any change you might be able to retrieve it??), reorganizing your closet and fabric stash.. all counts!! My Day 1 creative thing for AEDM was.. sorting through and reoganizing my craft material and supplies! :) I know how life gets in the way of being creative though, I've been way to busy to really do a daily art thingy myself :(


Sandy said...

Aww, sweetie, you were creating... a beautiful life! and it doesn't get better than that.

Mail Art Dramas said...

sounds like you cleared a path, now sit down and create something or come help me clean my house! ( you seem to be on a roll).
Nice photo.

Mary-Michael said...

Marianne, It is a shame how life seems to get in the way of making art. I understand completely. But goodness, you sure were productive. And I'm glad you made up with your hubby. Looking forward to seeing what you have in the works.

Carrie Schmitt said...

I can relate. I have not painted in 2 months. It can be frustrating! I know we will both get back into it again. Hang in there!

Theresa said...

Just popping in to wish you a Happy Holiday season and hope this is finding you well~ Theresa