I love how our lives are woven together.

getting ready for a party

so I guess by now you figured out that I am having techy issues. 
I tried to futz with my blog template ....
and in the process...I almost broke the whole thing.
I am participating in Karen Valentine's Blog Party
and I  want everything
 ( both  here on my blog and in my crafty space)
 to look all spiffy and clean for all my guests.

I think everything is working now so I will leave well enough alone.
Please join us all on Friday for the big event.
Click on the invitation above for more information.

Come as you are..... I will be.



sunny said...

Oh I'll definitely be stopping by to see where you create! Have you put away the dishes yet?

susie said...

I'll be popping in! I can't wait to see what you've done.

Pat said...

Your blog looks great! But it is easy to mess things up, isn't it? I've done it a few times myself.

Beansieleigh said...

LOVE all that beautiful space and storage you have there!! Oh my gosh, and that jeweler's desk? What would I do with it? Right off the bat, I'd say "USE IT!!!" It's gorgeous, AND practical! But if you mean how to repaint/refinish, I'm really a novice at that kind of thing myself!... Loved seeing all your dogs on the right side bar, and laughed out loud when I got to poor Shadie!!! (0; Too FUNNY!! I have a cocker spaniel who can be a pain too, but his rascally episodes aside, he's a very good hearted dog, and faithful friend!... Thanks for the tour, and wishing you lots of good times and the best of memories as you craft with your friends there! ~tina

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Color me IMPRESSED. I thought I had a lot of stuff. But you have REAL stuff, not stuff you got from dumpster diving. All those plastic containers must have cost a small fortune, too.

you, I also love fabric. I was gifted with a sewing machine for my birthday one year, so fabric has pretty much taken over my life. I love the postage stamp quiltie you made. You are a REAL seamstress, unlike me, who has never made a REAL quilt (nor do I intend to) in my life. Of course, my fabric is usually an old blouse or bed sheet someone has given me that I can tear apart and dye.

It was fun seeing where you create, or plan to create soon. I would LOVE to come join you because your craft space looks incredible.

Thanks for sharing your creative space, dear "old" friend.