I love how our lives are woven together.

Tuesday, Tea and Play Time

Good Morning Friends !

So what do you do when you have three or four deadlines for specific projects?
Well if you're me, you pick up an old project that was cast aside
...who knows when....
 and resurfaced during "the great craft room purge and clean up".
I don't know when I started this fabric collage.
But....even though the theme might be a bit overdone. 
I decided I still want to finish it so I could hang it next to a clock.

( Remind me to get a clock for the craft room. )

 this is not attached yet....I'm still pondering

 These are not attached yet either.....same pondering.

And the butterfly....tilt left?, right?, no tilt?
not attached....
....this pondering will go on all day.

But they are just a distraction. Because what I am really pondering right now is
how to quilt the piece I made for the HO HO HO Blog Hop coming up very soon.
( can't show you yet .....sorry )
soon   ...   very soon.

Do you do this too?   
Do you work on a "less important" project while noodling  out
details of a "more important" one?

For me the distraction actually helps me focus. 
I'm sure this is probably a brain disorder....
but who has time for analysis? 
Christmas is coming .....it'll be here in no time at all.


T stands for TuesdayT stands for Tuesday is a new weekly blog link up party 
hosted by Bleubeard and Elizabeth
<-----   click on this link to find out more.



sunny said...

I really like the collage, and putting it beside a clock will be perfect. Where did you find the "play time" tags? and yes, I often work on a smaller project while I'm working my way up to a major project. It gets me in the right frame of mind, and headed in a more creative direction! Merry Christmas!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Left, right, straight, it doesn't make much difference, because it is an absolutely gorgeous work of art.

I've also distracted myself with another project while mentally deciding how to make the one with a deadline. I've often thought it takes longer to contemplate and develop the concept than it does to make the actual art. Especially if it's for a challenge.

WOW. I can't even get my head around Christmas, yet. Maybe I should, though.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Very nice. I would tilt the butterfly to the left or not at all. If you tilt it to the right it looks like it wants to fly out of the composition, but tilted to the left it looks like it is flying into the composition. that's my 2 cents worth.

I work on way too many projects. I usually have several going at once because I get the urge to start something new as the ideas strike. Then the ones I have started, I might get stuck on what to do next so I let those meld while I go back to an easier project.

~*~Patty S said...

Lovely collage ...
Play Time is a good thing each and every day!

Sometimes when I am undecided about what to add next to a piece I snap a photo and when I look at it on the computer screen I seem to know what I want to do next ... turning pieces upside down also works for me oddly enough

Happy T day

Divers and Sundry said...

i'm joining you from the t tuesday mr. linky. :)

my daughter always kept out a christmas mug or 2, because we are always looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

What a charming original and unique collage. I love it!

Happy Crafting

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I really like your collage, and would definitely include the quote! I seem to be more of a one at a time crafter!

voodoo vixen said...

I totally do the same thing... in fact have a large collage with all the bits waiting to be glued down... just as soon as I decide that they should actually be in that spot!! LOL Butterfly... hmmm, would have him looking right with a little tail of gems or pearls! Annette #1

Leslie Hanna said...

Just sitting here envying your collage gene.

And I noodle all the time, with several projects set aside until I get a clue. I think taking a break to focus on something else helps when you look at the partial project again, with a fresh eye, or two.

Wendy G. said...

I am sitting here reading your delightful post while I try to come up with the perfect plan for a birthday card I have to make today. I love anything with clocks and butterflies so this collage was perfect in my books!

Wendy G. said...

I am sitting here reading your delightful post while I try to come up with the perfect plan for a birthday card I have to make today. I love anything with clocks and butterflies so this collage was perfect in my books!

Patty said...

What a fun collage of cool stuff. And a ittle bit of procrastination is good for you!

Darla said...

Late to comment but I like your "time piece" very much. I admire all of you who incorporate sewing into your mixed media pieces.


susie said...

Oh! play time is the best time!...this will be so nice near time ticking away. If the butterfly is tilted...will be the one thing moving in the time piece....how I see it. I love the piece, the stitching and most definitely the tags...love....

Christmas....yep..I'm almost in that mode..I am embracing the fall sneaking in today...so nice.

Spyder said...

Love your creation, so very clever and of course your mug...cup is fab too! popping over from Elizabeth's

Just Quilt It said...

I can't wait to see your Christmas project--your fabric is beautiful!