I love how our lives are woven together.

Have you read any good books lately?

Today is National Book Lovers Day.  
Here are a few of mine.

What's on your bookshelf?


Leslie Hanna said...

Dust. Dust is on my bookshelves, surrounded by lots and lots of books. :)

Little Penpen said...

I love books, too. Mine are mostly quilting books. You visited my blog post about the lab mix who needs re-homing. I am in NC; my daughter is in TN, but I can pick up the dog. Are the people you know near you? She has decided to try a shock collar to see if she can make him mind on the leash. I still wish he had a big place to run! Not sure what will happen at this point, but would love more info. Thanks and bless you for loving dogs!

Pamela said...

I just finished Gail Godwin's "Flora." It's a great coming of age story. Thanks for the fun question! I'm looking forward to seeing what other commenters are reading.

JoyceLM said...

I'm reading the Shenandoah Album series by Emilie Richards. One of my favorite books is China Court by Rumer Godden - borrowed it so many times from the library that I bought my own copy.

sunny said...

I never met a book I didn't like. I have travel books, decorating books, cook books, gardening books, kayaking books photography books, ....... lots and lots of books!

Carmen said...

I can see you like books as much as I do! I lean more towards craft books and don't really read fiction (unless it's a fairy tale). I'd love to go through your library.