I love how our lives are woven together.

A Box for my Happy Art


 I have mentioned once or twice, 
that I am participating in an art swap 
hosted by my friend Sandra.

I received two sets of cards and realized
 that if I didn't find a home for them they 
would eventually end up at the bottom 
of a paper pile and that's no way
 to show respect to the Art.

I plan to display them on a wall when my 
craft room reorganization is finished 
but for now they need to be protected.
   So as I poured the last serving from a  box of cereal,
 I saw that the empty box just might be
 the perfect size for my cards. 
The cards are 5x7 and yes the box was just right.

These are copies of the cards I sent to Sandie in July.
I always make copies of my work before 
I send it off because I like to have a record of what I made
 and I also like to use copies my art in other ways.
Just the right thing to cover the box.

These are the cards I have received so far
 and the cereal box.

 They fit  !   . . .
 so I carefully took the box apart so it 
would lay flat and be easier to cover.

 I covered each panel separately so it 
would fold back up into a box easily.

 I this point I toyed with the idea to go to my 
sewing machine to add a few stitches.
But decided to just rebuild the box. 
I think there's enough going on with out sewing.

After the box was reassembled I went over the
 corners and edges with a black Sharpie.

 I used washi tape as a way to  reinforce the
 bottom and also to add an accent. The washi tape was
 folded over the bottom edge and that caused
 a cool mitered look on the bottom.
It was pure luck. 
If I had planned to do that it would have never worked out.

 A few edges needed more sharpie work.
See the woven paper up there in the top right corner of the photo?
I had to do something with the extra paper right?
I really am addicted to paper weaving.
I have been weaving everything in sight.


Here's the completed box with the cards tucked inside. 
There is plenty of room in there.
 Hopefully this swap continues for a 
long time so I can fill this box.

Sometimes the simplest projects 
can bring so much pleasure.
If you are looking for a great way to meet new friends
and play with new techniques, you might want to think about joining this group of artists.
Sandie has all the details on her blog and there is also a facebook group where we share our work each month.
We are having a lot of fun. 
Come play with us !




Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Love the box Marianne. And the cards inside too.

Leslie Hanna said...

LOVE the box. And: WASHI!!!!

Wendy G. said...

You boggled my mind, once more with this creative project! Wow. I...am...speechless...

sunny said...

Yep, I'm mind-boggled too. How cool is that? I have some 'home alone time' for the next 24 hours, and I hope to get my journal cover done that you inspired me to think I need. TIme is running out!

Jusmom1 said...

Beautiful! why did I never think to open up the cereal box before covering it!?!? all the struggling would have been so much easier. Thank you.

Rosie said...

What a great idea for the cereal boxes, you have given me inspiration!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Marianne,

LOVE your cards! What a great idea to take pictures of what you make! I should have been doing that. I have an ATC swap and wished I would have kept a record of what I've sent.....

The cereal box card holder looks great.


Celia said...

What a great idea!!! I need to start making copies of my art before I mail it out....I am finally remembering to take pictures!