I love how our lives are woven together.


come on in and have a cup of tea with me. 
I like my tea in mugs.

when the Lifeguard asks me  
" Why do you waste your time blogging? " 
or when he says  
"Blogging again? you have too much time on your hands"

it hurts a bit

because what he thinks about me matters

and because when he asks the question and
makes his remarks about how" bloggers have no lives"
(his words ...not mine)

it makes me question my actions
it makes me wonder why

why am I blogging

it wasn't so long ago that I thought blogging was a waste of time

I had a few friends who blogged and they always seemed to be writing about their blogs
or taking photos for their blogs
or tweeting about blogging and blogging about tweeting

makes anyone with any common sense say

I'll tell you why


I have met some amazing women in this past year.
I love the link up parties and the challenges and the swaps.
I love giveaways and I had the best time hosting my own
 giveaway earlier this month.

The photos in this post are of a mug from a friend I would have never met if
I had not started blogging
Elizabeth   is an artist and  her art on the mug.

a mug that I won in her giveaway last summer.

(thank you again Elizabeth...I use it every day )
and I am always reminded to:

The mug says it all

the postcard is from Elizabeth too.
I love it
I received it as a part of a postcard swap hosted by another friend, Beth

I am so proud of both Elizabeth and Beth.
They have had huge success this past year.
I am so happy to have been able to watch them grow.

So here I am
 part of this huge community of bloggers

each of them bringing their own beauty to the party

I love that

I guess

 I just want to be a part of something big..
....by doing something small.
( I stole that line from my daughter...love her )
the blogging community is huge and I just want to be a part of it

I am not pursuing a career in art
I am not promoting a business
I just want to be a part of this wonderful artist community
as a
a cheerleader

an inspiration

a friend

Please come back next Tuesday and we'll sit down to another cup of tea. 
I'll introduce you to more friends I have met.
 I am linking to Art in Red Wagons' "Tea on Tuesdays"
go see who else is having tea this morning
now I need to go tweet about this blog post and add to to fb too


Mary Dawn said...

i love it, connections...i get caught up in the purpose of my blog sometimes, but it usually comes down to connecting, sharing and inspiring

i prefer my tea in mugs too :)

Unknown said...

You can just tell The Lifeguard that maybe it's a "girl thing!" I don't expect The Sweet Husband to understand either .... And he doesn't really ..... And sometimes his hints about his opinion are insensitive .... But I am also insensitive when he feels the need to have a football party. Argh! Who would want to do that!?! Oh yeah, it's a "guy thing!"

Connections are a lifeline .... Maybe your Lifeguard will see that someday .... Maybe not .... But keep the connections alive ... They are real!!!

Cheers and happy Tuesday! Kimmie

Sue Clark said...

So well said! It is about the connections, the sharing, the beautiful art that is always inspiring, etc. I also love this blogging world and my online friends!

~*~Patty S said...

beautifully put...I get rolled eyes from my younger sister all the time...in fact, it's so bad... to keep the peace I try very hard to not even mention the word BLOG = oh my that is so unnatural for me.

My husband totally gets it and supports me...he sees the meaning and is happy for me having connections and being able to share in a place where people 'get you' and hardly ever ask WHY did you make this or do that...just because is reason enough

I started blogging almost 3.5 yrs ago and never imagined how wonderful it would be...being able to visit and share with like minded people around the globe is pretty darn cool

thank you for this post ... I look forward to dropping in again for tea
from N Virginia

ooglebloops said...

Blogging is time consuming - but you are right about connections and feeling connected. Some days I feel like "I blog, therefore I am..."! Patty S. below, is the one to blame for my start in blogging! LOL

Glad you are joining us for tea - and a dog rescuer to boot!!!
A long time friend does shih tsu rescue in Md, I will have to forward your link to her.

Halle said...

My blog is definitely an integral part of my life now. So many people I know in real life never bother checking out my blog...which is fine with me...it not for them. I have a whole extra set of friends because I blog..I love it. I can't imagine giving it up.

A'n'G Johnson said...

I adore this post. This is exactly why I blog. Particularly as someone with chronic illnesses who doesnt get out and socialize the way i used to - sitting down to the computer is so comforting. And now I even have amazing friends - some of whom I still havent met yet - because of it. WE write, email, facebook, and post comments of support on each others post.

The Hubby doesn't get it. But he understands the satisfaction I get when blogging helps with my community art project, when my mailbox is full of letters, and that overall I'm much happier feeling connected.

Unknown said...

Amen and well said! Amen to the comments poeple left too! Although, I will admit that I think Facebook is a collosal waste of time. Different strokes. I just like blogging better. :) I have NOT even attempted Twitter! There are only so many hours in the day. heehee.

All this AND a mug of tea today!
Happy Tea Tuesday!

Wendy said...

People who don't blog, probably will never understand the intimacy and beautiful "connections" we can make with one another. We don't live in a tribal community any more where we can sit down, drink a cup of tea with a friend and share our life stories. And that's their loss ;) I love drinking tea with friends, and since I don't have many "real life" friends who like to share the whole ritual with me, I choose to blog which opens up an otherwise small world. I always drink my tea in mugs too.

Yvonne said...

Blogging and meeting other artists thru blogging has inspired me so much that is has made my life even more eventful because of it. Yes, the connections are real. I'm glad I found your wonderful blog thru Tea on Tuesday. Happy tea day.

*jean* said...

well, i for one, am happy you are here...i share your outlook about blogging and my hubbie is understanding but doesn't really get it...if he said something like the lifeguard though, he'd get a big dish of raspberries, if you know what i mean!!! just like i don't want to spend the day watching bbal, golf or football...i agree with kimmie, i think it's a girl thing...glad you are here, marianne...happy t day

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love love love your reason for blogging: wanting to be part of something big by doing something small. That, my friend is brilliant and it says it all!!!
Happy T on T!
p.s sorry for yelling at you with all the "!"

Carola Bartz said...

Yes, it is about the connections, and I love that part the best. Blogging can get very time consuming and I certainly need time away from the computer, but like you I wouldn't want to miss all the wonderful women I connected with via blogging. I don't expect anybody who doesn't blog to understand - I didn't understand it before I started my blog either.
BTW, my husband reads all my posts - sometimes he even comes up with ideas! He probably sees how much I enjoy the blogosphere.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Blogging is a wonderful avenue for making friends. Friends that pray for you when you are ill. Friends that host giveaways! (Thanks again)Friends that have wonderful tutorials. Friends that share recipes. Friends we can swap with. Friends to stitch with. And friends that leave comments that keep us going! I am grateful you are here!

Nancy said...

Blog friends are wonderful, the more the merrier :) Happy T day

voodoo vixen said...

Connections is on the money... we have reduced the size of the world through our blogs, we can share stuff and rant if we want with people that care. I started to blog because I am always travelling and it seemed a good way to stay in touch, some people get it and others don't, and that is fine too.
Happy T day to you!

Kristin Dudish said...

Wonderful. I love this post (and can so relate).
You are an inspiration, dear friend.

Leslie Hanna said...

A beautiful post, and you've nailed it: connections. Why, just these past two days I've been "talking" to someone in TX who is moving to GA and we want to tweet up in NC for a class given by someone in DC. Contacts have been made and emails are flying. And I know them all through blogging.

Being part of something big is a beautiful thing.

Anonymous said...


Preach it, sistah.
Preach it.


Heartfire At Home said...

Marianne, what a beautiful post! And, your daughter is wonderful, what a fabulous quote.

I so agree... it's about community. It IS about being a small part of something big. I've developed some friendships I treasure just as much as those I have in the 'real world' this past year, and discovered amazing people from all over the world I'd never have met otherwise. We all have a place to stay if we ever get the travel bug!

It is difficult to find the time sometimes, and I worry when I don't keep up with what my bloggy friends are doing because I don't want them to think I don't care.... and I miss them when real life gets so busy I haven't got time to find out what they've been up to.

It's a balancing act, that's for sure.

And, I'm a mug drinker too! Gives me something to hold on to.

Big hugs,

Linda. xoxox

JDConwell said...

You rock. Completely. You said exactly what I feel about blogging. I live way out in the country, and the neighbors are mostly keep-to-yourself types. The connections I've made blogging keep my heart in the right place and help me feel like there ARE like-minded folks out there, just a post away.

Let's hear it for the Blogosphere!

Jillayne said...

This is such a great post and your daughter is very wise! I love that line and think it says everything about how I feel about blogging too.
I don't even worry anymore about people not understanding - my friends and family understand completely and thoroughly support it. How great is that?!

DeeDee said...

well said... I love connections and have met many people in person from blogland... I just love it... its my personal journal... my personal space.t.that I share you everyone... :D

Love this post today Marianne

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Well we are all happy that you are part of the blogging community !
Was happy to "find" Debbie Mosaic Magpie who led me to you ....

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I know I'm late getting here this week, but I wanted to let you know that I also believe connections are incredibly important and appropriate. I am always impressed with the information I learn from my friends, whether they are artists, or not. And of course, the interactions make it all worthwhile. It's really something that is YOURS and no one can take from you. Happy belated Tea Tuesday.

Theresa said...

I agree the best part pf blogging is the connections and sense of community. We get it, unless you do it you might not understand it and that is life. Thanks for being a cheerleader too! It is what drives creative souls to keep moving forward. Happy weekend to you!

The Crafty Elf said...

Very much about the connections! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your words hit home as I've had the same things said to me as well. What inspires one may not do the same for another however we all do what works for us. I'm learning so much, I've made so many new friends and it makes me happy! Thanks again Marianne as one of your lucky winners in your giveaway! Have a great day!

Elizabeth Braun said...

Hear hear! And what beautiful dogs!

Thankfully, my hubby doesn't mind my blogging and he's almost always interested positively in what I do.=)

You keep it up!

Laura Ludwig Hamor said...

Beautiful post. I love we met here.
I am glad you are going to keep connecting!

Cindy Belseth said...

Hi Marianne!

I totally agree! I love the connections I have made since I've started blogging! I've only been doing it since last June but it's been amazing! I love all of the fellow bloggers I have met and I'm not sure what I would do without all of you guys and the amazing support!

Thanks for being a wonderful "cheerleader" Marianne! :)

Hugs and happy creating! <3

Anonymous said...

I love tea.
As for blogging: It's not everyone's cup of tea.
My hubby doesn't understand at all. I don't even discuss it with him.
I love all my art world bloggers. I have met so many new people that I would never have crossed paths with otherwise. That would be sad.
Keep on blogging.

Elizabeth Claire said...

Marianne, I am wheeping right now. My internet was out for about a week, and I was really lost on blogging and my new friends-connections. I love the way you are "blogging". so creative and entertaining. I am so grateful for you and for taking the time to write this post. I am i awe of many promised blog posts. I am in a verge of many things in my livfe, BIG decisions, BIG projects and I am learning so many things that I am sometimes overwhelmed. Reading this post reminded me of the importance of writing and sharing and keep connected. Thank you so much for this celebration of our new friendship and amazing comnections!! Hugs !!!

Unknown said...

Marianne... I was so touched reading your post. It's sooooo true that this blogging thing is about connecting and support. I'm still amazed at the like-minded souls that we've all met through flying lessons and blogging. Like a good cup of coffee or tea~ I can't live without it :D hugs to you!