I love how our lives are woven together.

We have a winner !

Well actually..... we have 6 winners !

Drum Roll Please

After carefully tracking all the entries
After creating spreadsheets to assign everyone numbers for each box

After assigning numbers in the order the posts came in.

After trying to use random . org  generator to  pick a winner.
did someone say that service was easy?

so on to
Plan B.....
After coloring those spreadsheets

after cutting them into itty bitty pieces all the while cursing random  . org
 because I am extremely late at this point

All itty bitty pieces were placed in a cup

one color at a time
Then using the back up plan:
random . husband .  hand
and he would NOT allow even a photo of his hand on my blog.
aarrrggghhh    men !

Yes after ALL that

We have 5 winners

Then just for an added twist
I dumped
ALL the itty bitties
back into the cup 

For the Grand Prize
oh I didn't tell you about the grand prize?

a mystery box
of equally wonderful and gifts
goes to

 Now it's your turn: 
Contact me ...by email....
And I too will send the winners an email to let them know they won.
I need the 6 winners  mailing addresses
by Monday March 14th , 2:00pm
( my time )
Eastern Standard Time  USA

I want to thank you all for playing along.


Kit @ Dreamscribe said...

Oh, what fun!! :-)

trisha too said...

That is the most complicated giveaway I've ever seen!!! VERY fun; sorry I missed it! You're such a sweetie to share your goodies!


Leslie Hanna said...

YAY to all the wieners, and I'm glad it wasn't me because HEAVEN KNOWS I don't need more stuff!


At first I thought you COLORED each.and.every.one of those names, but then it made sense when you showed us the spreadsheet. Phew. I was worried about you.

Congratulations on clearing all that loot out of your studio! YAY!

Mary Dawn said...

i was sooooooo disappointed i didn't win but then, BOOOOM, my name is in that grand prize heart! yay for secret grand prizes! thank you so so much, i can't wait to see what's in my goodie box!

jude said...

Congratulations to all who one so jealous!Enjoy have fun creating.thanks once again for offering such fab prizes/candy
hugs judex

Okami said...

Wow - how did I miss this giveaway. I've been watching your blog - oh, well. Congrats to all the winners.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Thank you so much for the great giveaway and for all the work you did to determine the winners. I am delighted to say I was one of the lucky ones! Thank that great husband name picker!

Angie said...

I had to smile at your process of selecting winners....too cute! I signed up for the "One World One Heart" international blog event and stated that I would have my neighbor's daughter "draw a name from a hat." I had over 200 entries!! We had to use that Random.org thingy and it still took awhile to count to the numbers.

Anyway, you're so sweet do do all this. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

Nigel said...

Many congratulations to the winners, and a huge thank you for your generosity. It's folks like you that make blogland the special place that it is.

Carola Bartz said...

Whew Marianne, you really worked hard on that (reminds me a bit of OWOH, I did all that cutting as well). I am so happy to be one of the lucky winners, how wonderful. Thank you for this very special giveaway. You rock!

scrapwordsmom said...

This was just so generous of you!!! Love how you chose the winner and loved how you called me "Scrapwordswoma":)