I love how our lives are woven together.


I use glitter in my projects
only because glitter can do
what nothing else can do
 and sometimes it is the only thing
you can do to "finish" a project.
I like the glittery look.
But I still hate it.
Just the meer mention of the stuff
causes it to appear in places where
 it never was before....
like your brand new car...
 or on  the black dress you wore to your uncle's funeral...
or on the nose of a dog you are visiting at the pound.
I swear the stuff has a life force of it's own.

that is all


leslie (crookedstamper) said...

You need to get some SU Dazzling Details. It's the Dazzling Diamonds glitter, only in glue, like Stickles. No fuss, no muss. And I know where you can get some. :D

sunny said...

Oh no! I'm sitting here making your Christmas present, and I'm using glitter! Haha~ I got inspired today for all kinds of gifts. Note to self: no glitter for Marianne.

The Crafty Elf said...

You are so right Marianne! Working in a Christmas store for all those years....things sparkled that should never sparkle! Nuff said! I do have one question though....how the heck did the glitter get there??!!!!!

505whimsygirl said...

Glitter does travel, doesn't it. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.