I love how our lives are woven together.

paws and think

I spent two days last week
 trying to help some old dogs find  new homes.
You have no idea how hard it is for me to look at an old dog and ask

Why does this dog not have a home?

 if you are thinking about getting a puppy
remember this

 My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years.
Any separation from you will be painful.
Remember that before you get me.

  Give me time to understand what you want of me.

 Place your trust in me--it is crucial to my well-being.

 Do not be angry at me for long and
 do not lock me up as punishment.

 You have your work, your entertainment, and your friends.
 I only have you.

 Talk to me sometimes.
Even if I don't understands your words,
 I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.

 Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.

 Remember before you hit me that I have
teeth and I could easily hurt you,
 but I choose not to bite you because I love you.

 Before you scold me for being
uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy,
 ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
Perhaps I might not be getting the right food,
or I have been out too long,
 or my heart is getting too old and weak.

 Take care of me when I get old;
you too will grow old.
Go with me on difficult journeys.
Never say:
 "I cannot bear to watch."
 "Let it happen in my absence."
 Everything is easier for me if you are there,
 even my death.

 Remember that I love you.
(author unknown)


Anonymous said...

OMG...make me cry. How can people in this world still not get it!
I admire you so much for what you do for those old doggies. I could not bare it, I'd be crying all day long. It just breaks my heart when any pet is just tossed aside.
We're all going to Hell I tell ya!
Excuse me for that, I meant that in a rather positive way. It just really eerks me when humans do selfish, mean, hurtful things!
i'll see you on a better day,
xxxxx susie

Lubna said...

This is very true. Right now, I am not adopting a puppy because perhaps 10 odd years hence, I am not sure I will be able to take care of an aged doggy.
Doggies are part of family, I don't understand those who abandon them.

Heartfire At Home said...

Me too.... blubbering. Don't have anything I can add to that because it was such a beautiful piece of writing.

Thank you for sharing Marianne.

Linda. xox

Okami said...

This is beautiful. Thank you.

JDConwell said...

Thank you. Is it okay if I post a link to this?

Lorraine said...

Your post brings tears to my eyes Marianne. I can and will never understand how animals can be discarded so easily. Hugs to you.

Sonya Badgley said...

I'm another that cannot understand abandoning their pets. They are apart of our families! If everyone treated them like we do-we wouldn't have to resue animals,would we? Animals are a gift and a blessing that we should cherish.
You will be rewarded for what you do, Marianne.
God bless you,

The Crafty Elf said...

This is so true Marianne and should be a signed document for anyone wanting a dog! I love this!!!

I look at my 11 1/2 year old dog and I love her more today than when we got her. She is always there for me...no matter what! What I love the most...she doesn't judge me. She just loves me and I love her right back! Humans can learn from this!

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

That was so nice of you. I have fostered cats and I know how hard it is to find homes for them. Wish you all the best. :)

Angie said...

That was so moving ...and I'm a cat person ...no I will rephrase that ...I am a loving ANIMAL person. xx

TJ said...

Hi Marianne, Robin tells me we are holiday swap partners!

Could you contact with me sometime next week when you have a moment and we'll make a plan??

Best wishes,
tj (studio mailbox)