I love how our lives are woven together.

Tuesday, Tea and a Tiny Bird

Good Morning Tuesday.

 I am enjoying these Tuesday gatherings with Elizabeth and friends. 
You don't need to drink tea to join in and you don't need to be crafty either.
 Just a weekly catch up with friends. 
 This week I would like to show you the
 techniques I used to make this 5x7 art card.

The reason for this tutorial is because a few
people have commented on the vellum.

I did not use vellum anywhere on the card.
I made 4 of these for a monthly Happy Art Swap
 that my friend Sandie hosts.
You can find out more on her blog.
there is a link in my sidebar.
 In this tutorial I am not making the same card. 
This time I am making an envelope.
A bit different, except for the stitching. . . the techniques are the same.
I made the envelope for a mail art group I am a member of on facebook.
I am leaving the photos small but you can click on them to get a closer look.

The Art

The first step is to cut your paper into strips of varied widths.
and weave them together and adhere them to a heavy paper.
I also added a few extra bits and pieces
for added texture and color.
I am using 90lb. Strathmore Mixed Media paper.
I use Delta Water Soluble Varnish as both a glue and a top coat.
I like it because it's inexpensive and it dries quickly and will not get sticky in high humidity. Great for mail art.

Let the varnish dry for a few hours
or overnight.
Use Gesso to block out an area for an address or if you are making a card block out an area for your sentiment or quote.
 I also used the gesso as a base layer for my bird and the dots along the sides.

I lightly drew the bird with pencil. The gesso will cover the pencil lines.

I used the end of a foam
brush to make the dots

The good thing about having so many dogs is I always have something to do while gesso dries.

In this next series of photos I am using watercolor pencils to
add color to the bird, the branch and the bubbles

Use a little water and a brush to blend the colors.

I started out lightly and added more layers of color as needed.
You can add color while it's wet, but use a light touch.

next I added the bunting at the top.This is a fabric type scrapbook paper.
Perhaps this is what looks like vellum. . . but it is a sheer fabric.

The outlines and details were done with a micron pen and an ultra fine sharpie.
I did not stamp black dots on the envelope like I did
on the card  because I like the light airy look.
finished size - 7"x11"

All it needs now is an address,
a letter and a gift card inside and
  I will stitch the top closed and send it on it's way.
I am pretty sure the person I am sending it to has a seam ripper to open it.

Sorry for all the photos. I think they are pretty self explanatory. 
If you have questions you can ask them in the comments
and I will answer here in the comment section.

The Tea 

The tea is my standby Lipton.
yes with one packet of Splenda and 1 oz. skim milk.

The Mug is from
 Meadowlark Gardens in Northern VA.
I haven't been there this year.
I used to go there every weekend.
I don't like to venture out as much as I used to.
I am very content staying home with my dogs.
Thank you so much if you read the whole way to the end.

Have a Happy Tuesday !


T stands for Tuesday is a new weekly blog link up party 


Update on DutchBoy. He is still with us. But I think it's time. The lifeguard is holding on. I am torn. I feel as though we are torturing this poor dog by not letting him go. I wish they could speak.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I confess I got sidetracked by visiting Sandra's blog before I left a comment on your awesome mail art envie. Truthfully, I couldn't see where anyone thought there was vellum in your card or envie. But some see things others don't.

Speaking of seeing things. I'm confused. First, I saw where each swapper on Sandra's blog sent three back, but everyone made four. Does that mean she kept one without sending one of her's, too? I think you know how I feel about that. Nuff said!

I'm sort of a lifeguard, too. I think they go in their own time, unless we intervene. I'm not prone to intervene, though.

Thanks so much for joining T today. I loved the tutorial.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OOPS, I meant GOT three back, not SENT three back. I must need coffee, since it's either very late, or very early here.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Now that I've truly hijacked your comments, I finally understand why the extra piece of art. Of course, I had to read back to 2011 to find the answer that it's to cover postage.

You can ignore that part of the comment because I meant everything else I said, including your patience with me (grin).

voodoo vixen said...

Love the card and tutorial for the envelope is great, I can see strips of paper in my future as it looks really good.
I'm so sorry about your dog, it really is the most awful decision to have to make but I am sure you will know when the time is right. Hugs.

dawn said...

OMG, I'm laughing so much at Elizabeth's comments, she is so funny!!

Thanks so much for sharing how to do this, LOVED reading it! How pretty it came out too, the lucky receiver will enjoy it for sure.

What a pretty mug too and I'm a Lipton girl too.

Not sure why the mention of your dog was mentioned in the comments? All I see is that you enjoy being home with them. Just in case I missed something anyhow, I'm sorry you had to make that tough decision, I've been there before too.
Have a good day and thanks for sharing the beautiful card.

roffeycreations said...

Hi Marianne - love the art piece - and that cup is superb - so bright and cheery - Happy T 4 Tuesday... Mxx

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I enjoyed see the evolution of your envelope and the beautiful card. I bet this technique would be interesting using fabric with a few modifications.

~*~Patty S said...

So nice of you to take the time to share your paper piecing technique and more with fab results!
You minded me that we haven't been to Meadowlark Gardens since last fall...overdue for a visit but like you I am happy at home always with lots to do.
Happy T day to you

Rosa said...

Looks fantastic and enjoying the process.Have a fun day!

Rita said...

What gorgeous mail art!! I need to get some of that varnish, I think. ;)
Happy T-Tuesday! :)

Divers and Sundry said...

first off: i love that mug and your tea bag holder. if i were to see them in a store i wouldn't be able to resist them :)

i appreciate all the photos. my crafty days are so long ago, i've forgotten most of what i knew, and the pictures are a big help to me.

give your dogs pats from me :)

Nan G said...

Fab art envelope! Thanks for sharing. Happy T day. Nan

Krisha said...

Beautiful tea mug. Very interesting tutorial on you art card. Have never used white varnish, but will be looking for it now.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy T Day

Halle said...

Love the mail art!!!! Great technique. Definitely something I'd like to do.
Happy Tuesday!

Spyder said...

oh my goodness! Love all the little birds, brillaint thanks for sharing! I really like the spoon/teabag rest, different from the usuall tea pot shapes ones!
Happy late T day

Dianne said...

A really wonderful tutorial on your card/envelope technique! truly gorgeous results!

Leslie Hanna said...

One of these days I'll open and use the varnish I bought. No, really.

Another fabulous project! Love the step-by-step!

D said...

So gorgeous! Love the tutorial. Sorry to hear about DutchBoy :(

Carola Bartz said...

To be honest, Marianne, I am not sure I would have the patience to do all this paper weaving. I'm also pretty sure that I would not be very good at it and probably would be covered in glue and have sticky fingers for days!
However, I do like what you did, and your tutorial is very interesting. I totally love the bird, as you probably can imagine.
I am so sorry about DutchBoy. It is so hard to see your pets suffer. Big hug.