I love how our lives are woven together.

Nature's Beauty

On the cover page in  my Yosemite scrapbook are these words:

"But no temple made with hands can compare with Yosemite. Every rock in its walls seems to glow with life...as if into this one mountain mansion Nature had gathered her choicest treasures..." Jon Muir

Just when I think there is no place on Earth as beautiful as a beach...My friend Carola wrote a post about Yosemite and it  reminded me of the beauty that surrounds us every day. She posts as a guest on the blog Vision and Verb as well as writing her own very beautiful and inspirational blog Carol bARTz.

I started to leave a comment on that post but decided it was too long....so I will leave my comment here
Her post really touched my spirit
No matter where you are....

be it the beach or mountain...

 forest or field...

country or city...

...Look around you and take in the beauty around you. The sights,smells and sounds.

No matter the season....there is beauty

No matter the time of day...there is beauty

No matter your mood...there is beauty

All you need to do is just open your eyes. It's there. Allow yourself to become a part of it.

Even if it is only for a moment.

Allow yourself to see the beauty through the eyes of a friend.

Go visit Carola and her photography and be prepared for even more beauty.

Have a beautiful evening


1 comment:

leslie (crookedstamper) said...

Awwww, such nice thoughts. And true!