I love how our lives are woven together.

The "DO" date

pro⋅cras⋅ti⋅nate [proh-kras-tuh-neyt]


to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost.
to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
to put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
to postpone or delay needlessly.

I see alot of people posting their New Years Resolutions and one of the words I see most is procrastinate.
Everyone wants to stop doing it.
In some ways I do procrastinate. But while doing it I DO get alot of other things done. Worthwhile things like ..... caring for my dogs, long phone conversations with my good friends, spending quality time with my family,

The way I see it the things I procrastinate on are probably things I didn't want to do in the first place.

So then ....what's the big deal?

I have an old friend who is the happiest woman I know. One day I asked her what her secret to happiness is. She said.  ...   and I quote....

 "I figured out what I don't want to do, and I don't do it... I don't even pretend I want do it, or say that someday I will do it. I just don't do it...period .  !  .    "

She has a wonderful way of saying things, don't you think?

I try to follow this philosophy in most things and delegate alot of stuff to Lifeguard.....He's a workaholic and loves to do stuff. And it's great that he'll do things that I hate to do....like pay the bills, etc.

Now on the other hand there are things I want to do and will do...... someday...... I will get around to those eventually. I just keep moving the " DO date "   I will eventually start posting on my other, very dusty blogs.
As soon as I settle into a new...
          " i don't have to leave my house to go to work anymore "
                                                ... routine.

Have a peaceful day



leslie (crookedstamper) said...

LOVE the idea and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that ending picture! Schweet!

I totally don't do what I don't feel like doing, like clean. When it gets bad enough I'll sigh heavily and do it, but other than that - ptfthft. It will still be there tomorrow. Did you know if you run out of clean underwear you can buy more? I used to do that, but then one time I washed EVERYTHING and found I didn't have room to put it all away. Now I am forced (FORCED, I TELL YOU) to leave some laundry always un-done. Works for me.

Mail Art Dramas said...

procrastinate is not in my vocabulary. I CHOOSE to mosey through life. I get there when I get there.
have a good day!

Sonya Badgley said...

I didn't use to procrastinate but as I get older I find myself doing just that. Why? Probably because I get tired easier and I just don't want to do it. Do think those are good enough reasons?
I do. :)
PS. I love your sweet puppy!

Toni said...

Wonderful!! I live one day at a time, no resolutions but to enjoy and live in the moment. I figured out a long time ago resolutions end up as failures and I don't need more negativity in my life that is self created!

Happy New Year Marianne!

Carola Bartz said...

That's the best routine ever!!!
I LOVE that picture!

Diana said...

Nice hearing from you, Marianne. Love your dog. Such a beautiful face.

Heartfire At Home said...

What a very, very, very wise friend indeed! It takes some of us a long time to figure that one out I think! Especially if we're the 'people pleasing' type who just don't know how to say no to people.

And I have to say, that is THE most adorable and gorgeous picture I think I have seen in years. What a beautiful dog.

I hope your Christams and New Year was wonderful Marianne. :)

Linda. xox