I love how our lives are woven together.

My one little word for 2011..... Love

Have you ever loved someone so much the mere thought of them can bring tears to your eyes?

I have several people in my life that I love.

But today I am focused on my daughter.
We have had our ups and downs and we even went 10 months without speaking to each other. Let me tell you it was a tough time for me. But we were able to get past our differences and we now share an even greater bond.

Right now she is somewhere over the Atlantic on her way to Africa. She is a nurse. And she is going to volunteer in a village clinic. Her heart is so big and full of love and compassion, that she is willing to risk illness and crime, pesky bugs and snakes, and who knows what else, just help others.

This is how she chose to begin 2011.

I am so very proud of her.
I have been thinking about her all day, and yes, I have tears in my eyes.
I love her so much. I miss her already and look forward to her safe return.

 I mentioned in my last post that I was having such a hard time choosing a word.

It came to me on New Years Eve.

My word for 2011 is "LOVE"

I wish you love,


Carola Bartz said...

Marianne, your words brought tears to my eyes. What a precious, compassionate daughter you have. Of course you love her, she's your daughter. And I would be proud of her as well. I have a daughter as well, and she will be a teenager in four months. She usually is a real sweetheart, but sometimes those "attitudes" appear and drive me crazy. How did you go through 10 months of not speaking with your daughter? I don't know whether I could do that - I do have a hot temper occasionally...

Sparky said...

How lovely, your sentiments pour onto your screen and certainly can be felt in the heart.

Anonymous said...

our highest calling is to love God and love others... your daughter clearly has your heart!