I love how our lives are woven together.

revisiting the inchie

A few weeks ago I mentioned how I had never made an inchie. Then I made one for a christmas card.
 Well it seems the darn thing got under my skin and seeped into my blood. So this past week I have been making inchies. Most of them....well all of them were not good enough to show you.

But today I got out my little zentangle kit and made this

now for the full view

that's on a regulation 3.5" zentangle tile

Yay !

it's so cute
it's a wee bit bigger than an inch
but that's because I had to go outside the lines
I just had to
sometimes I make me so happy

Have a great day!


Leslie Hanna said...

That. is. so. cool. It is.

Jodi E said...

Love your inchie!

I just received my Zentangles kit a couple days ago and it is so fun! Haven't heard of the "inchie" before though, will have to give that a try too!

Fiona Whitehead said...

If you love inchies - as I do as I ran an inchy challenge blog for two years - pop along to my blog and the One World One Heart giveaway where you'll see 26 of the little darlings!