I love how our lives are woven together.

Expext The Unexpected

I was working on my Holiday Home tour post that I mentioned a few 
days ago and I was working on a Giveaway too....
( some of you may ave seen that....I posted it and then I reverted back to draft )
We just found out friends of ours are in town so we 
opened our house to them
 so they won't have to stay at a hotel.
They are on their way here now.
 I am so happy my house is clean. 
I will be away from the internet for a bit . . .
....Stay warm


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Enjoy your company! Even with the hectic holiday prep, isn't it good to enjoy an unexpected visit.
Merry Christmas.

BTW, I just adopted a rescue puppy. Part Boxer and who knows. I call him part Badger because he has razor sharp teeth. Merry Christmas to me.

Sandra Kaye said...

Enjoy you company!!! Merry Christmas!!!!